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Is the Solution an Immediate Care Plan or Deferred Care Plan?

By Mark Gregory - 17th March 2014

It seems that the perception is that the cost of providing long term care continues to increase. The only way to offset those rising costs is create a plan as much as possible or else the costs can become quite overwhelming. Without careful planning out of resources, it is easy to lose control over your assets and lose your entire life savings to long term care costs. There are a variety of different payment options and solutions that can be...

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Will I have to pay for My Long Term Care?

By Mark Gregory - 22nd November 2013

If you, or someone you love, is approaching a time in their life when long term care is needed, it is important to understand the responsibilities associated with paying for that kind of care. With consistently escalating healthcare costs, many consumers wonder if they will qualify for any kind of financial help in paying for long term care. There are guidelines by which you could qualify for this financial assistance, but it depends on several factors. Knowing if you qualify...

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What is the Difference Between Social Care and Medical Care?

By Mark Gregory - 22nd November 2013

For the most part, it is the medical care of elders that is most likely to be seen in present headlines. Social care is an issue that very rarely, if ever discussed, in the mainstream. This is due in large part to the idea that hospitals are being reconfigured and the long term care system is being mostly overhauled to help better accommodate the growing number of seniors who are entering long term or residential care. There are significant financial...

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How Do the Changes in Capital Limits Affect Those Who Need Residential Care?

By Mark Gregory - 22nd November 2013

There are several different ways to finance long term care, or residential care, for older consumers. However, determining how to pay for this care can be quite stressful, with several different benefits available, most of which require different application processes and each having their own assessments. So, while the process can sometimes be confusing or complicated, consumers do have options available to them to help them offset the rising cost of healthcare as they approach the years in which they...

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How Will the New Cap Really Affect Those Who Need Long Term Care?

By Mark Gregory - 22nd November 2013

There are several reforms currently being made surrounding the care system, most specifically for those who need long term care. Many of these reforms deal with how consumers are tasked with paying for their care. Subsequently, the government has been looking at better ways to help consumers offset the cost of their long term care. Perhaps the biggest part of new legislation involves a cap on the total amount that any one individual can be forced to pay for their...

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How is the Cost of Residential Care Calculated?

By Mark Gregory - 22nd November 2013

If you, or someone you love, are currently being tasked with paying for some form of residential or long term care, the price tag may seem daunting. Determining how to pay for care is a necessary evil, but it is also crucial to become educated on how cost of resident care is calculated so as to ensure that you are receiving every benefit available to you and your family. There are instances in which residential care can be completely covered...

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Will I Benefit from the New Cap on Long Term Care Costs?

By Mark Gregory - 21st November 2013

There has been much discussion surrounding the new cap imposed on long term care costs for the elderly and those who are in need of long term care. So, for those awaiting the cap, the results have been at least a little disappointing, as the portion of consumers who may benefit from the new cap is quite low. Government officials have now officially released what they feel to be the proportion of consumers that will actually benefit from the new...

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Where Do I Get Advice on Long Term Care?

By Mark Gregory - 21st November 2013

Finding out that you need long term care can be a stressful life change to accept. It is even more stressful and daunting to then determine how to pay for that long term care. Most consumers do not know how to plan for their long term care costs and do not know where to go for advice. There are a number of different ways to fund long term care. It is important to know your options in order to make...

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The Financial Assessment of Long Term Care Needs

By Mark Gregory - 21st November 2013

For those who need long term care, determining out how to pay for it can be a daunting task. Healthcare costs continue to rise, meaning that those who are required to pay for their own long term care need to find creative ways to pay for the care that they desperately need.  However, no matter what kind of care you need, or if you feel like you can afford to pay it, you are entitled to a financial assessment by...

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Take Care With Deliberate Deprivation of Assets if Paying for Long Term Care

By Mark Gregory - 21st November 2013

As consumers move through the process of qualifying, or trying to qualify, for help paying their long term care bills, they often try to find a way to offset the rising costs of their healthcare. In the past it was believed that this meant that consumers could sell off or gift away their big or valuable assets to loved ones or family. It was believe that this would help during financial assessment because the assets would not be included in...

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